Food & Wellness Policy

CCA provides a hot meal option for families who would like to purchase a school lunch. Families pay online through the parent’s web portal.


Wellness Policy

  • Central Christian Academy’s Wellness Policy is enforced by a team of six members:

    Mrs. Kate Fisher, Principal
    Mrs. Justine Nielsen, Food Service Director
    Mrs. Janel McCray, Parent
    Mrs. Margarita Glaum, Physical Education Teacher
    Mrs. Maureen Lucas, School Nurse

    The principal and team shall be responsible to monitor the school, programs and curriculum to ensure compliance with this policy. Other members of the team help facilitate development, implementation, periodic review and updates of the policy. The principal and team shall annually invite the Board, stockholders, general public, school health professionals, parents and students on compliance with law and policies related to the student’s wellness by phone, email or mail, website. This report may include:

    • Assessment of school environment regarding student’s wellness issues.

    • Evaluation of food service program.

    • Review of all foods and beverages sold in the school for compliance with establish nutritional guidelines.

    • Listing of activity and programs conducted to promote nutrition and physical activity.

    • Recommendation for policy and/or program revision.

    • Suggestions for improvement in specific areas.

    • Feedback received from staff, students, parents/guardians, community members.

    The principal and Wellness Committee shall conduct an assessment at least once every year on the contents and implementation of this policy as part of a continuous improvement process to strengthen the policy and ensure implementation. This triennial assessment shall be made available to the public in an accessible and easily understood manner and includes:

    1. The extent to which the school is in compliance with and policies related to school wellness.

    2. The extent to which this policy compares to model wellness policies.

    3. A description of the progress made by the district in attaining the goals of this policy.

    At least once a year, the school shall update or modify this policy as needed, based on the results of the most recent triennial assessment required by the federal regulations.

    The school shall annually invite and update the public, including parents/guardians, students, and others in the community about the contents and implementation of this policy via newsletters, website, phone, email, mail etc.

  • Central Christian Academy (CCA) strives to provide nutritional education to its staff, students and their families. The following techniques explain how CCA provides this nutritional education:

    1. Nutrition education is integrated into the curriculum through subjects such as: health, math, science, language arts and social studies.

    2. Nutritional education information is reviewed by a qualified nutrition professional.

    3. Nutrition education is also shared with CCA families via an informational column in our weekly newsletter.

    4. Students and families are instructed about the importance of starting the day with a healthy breakfast and are often encouraged and reminded to do so.

  • CCA is dedicated to supporting extra- curricular sports programs as well as qualified physical education both in gym classes and normal classroom time.

    1. Teachers are encouraged to integrate physical activity into learning.

    2. A certified Physical Education teacher plans and oversees the curriculum and activity in the physical education routines and classes.

    3. Recess restriction is NOT used as a form of discipline.

    4. CCA participates in an annual field day.

    5. Although several extracurricular physical teams are already being held at school, we continue to participate in the distribution of community sports programs as well as offer the school facilities for other organized sports related activities.

  • CCA continues to support school -based activities available to their students and families. All after school programs incorporate the guidelines set forth in the Wellness Policy including references to nutritional education and nutritional snack options.

    1. CCA offers yearly physicals for members of sports teams as well as hearing scans and eye exams for all of its students. Height and weight are measured for each student and BMI’s are calculated. Parents are notified of the results and BMIs that fall above 85 % and below 5 % they are referred to the child’s personal physician for follow up. Follow up appointments are also recommended for any abnormal hearing and eye screenings.

    2. CCA continues to distribute information on State assistant medical and dental health insurance programs for its students and families.

    3. CCA is dedicated to continuing a local wellness committee to implement and improve nutrition and physical activity in school.

  • CCA continues to strive to meet the state standards for well-balanced nutritious lunch meals. We are proud of our record that proves our dedication to high quality and well-rounded food service for all of our students.

    1. Food providers at CCA continue to take every measure to ensure that students access to food and beverage meet federal, state, and local alliance guidelines. Food providers offer a variety of age appropriate healthy meals and beverages selected for its students in K through eighth grade.

    2. Families, teachers, students and school officials are engaged in choosing the competitive food selection for CCA.

    3. Promotional activities are limited to programs that are requested by school officials to support teaching and learning. All promotional activities and schools are connected to activities that encourage physical activity, academic achievement or positive youth development and are in compliance with local guidelines.

    4. Food providers all supply advertising materials that encourage smart choices and nutritional gain for its students.

    5. Classroom snacks and school party/celebrations shall feature healthy choices including fruits, vegetables, water, 100% fruit juice, and lowfat/nonfat milk. Foods with sugar as the first ingredient will be limited to two or three items.

    6. All food and beverages offered for sale to students outside of the reimbursable meals with the exception of a limited number of exempt fundraiser permitted by the state shall follow federal Smart Snack in School Standards.

    7. Any foods and beverages marketed or promoted to the students on the school campus during school day shall meet or exceed the Federal Smart Snacks in School nutrition standers.

  • CCA is committed to maintaining a clean comfortable eating environment for its students.

    1. CCA provides 30 minutes for students to eat their lunch.

    2. CCA lunch periods are scheduled in the middle of the school day.

    3. CCA cafeteria has parent volunteers to assist so students do not have to spend too much time waiting in line.

    4. CCA staggers the lunch start time so the number of students in line is always kept a minimum.

    5. Access to drinking water is always available for the students at mealtime. Low fat (1%) white and nonfat chocolate milk are offered daily as part of reimbursable meals.

    6. Food is not used as a reward or punishment for student’s behavior.

    Revised 06/22/20